0830 |
Registration opens
Coffee & Breakfast |
0930 |
Welcome & Housekeeping

Ryan Levick
0945 |
Keynote: Subtyping in Rust and Clarke's Third Law

Felix Klock
1045 |
Break |
1100 |
Learning to Love the Unfamiliar

Brian Pearce
1130 |
Panopticon - A Libre Cross-Platform Disassembler in Rust

Kai Michaelis
1200 |
Sensors, Servos, and Signals with Rust

Tim Cameron Ryan
1230 |
Lunch Break |
1330 |
intermezzOS: a teaching operating system

Ashley Williams
1400 |
Teaching myself Rust through the medium of coordinate system transforms and FFI

Stephan Hügel
1430 |
Why you'd be better off using QuickCheck when porting to Rust

Martin Hellspong
1500 |
Coffee & Cake |
1530 |
Linux USB HID Interfacing in Userspace

William Light
1600 |
Empathetic communication: why vulnerability is the key to collaboration

Sharon Steed
1630 |
Techniques for writing concurrent applications with asynchronous I/O

Matthieu Wipliez
1700 |
Break |
1715 |
Keynote: Science tools borrow Rust

Hanneli Tavante
1830 |
Dinner |
1900 |
Evening Event with Drinks, Beers and Xbox-ing
Come say hello – you won't need a ticket!